- Joining (subscribing)
- Leaving (unsubscribing)
- Going on Holiday
- Lost Password
- Change of email address
- Record your name (and membership number)
- Subscription Options
Joining (subscribing)
Fill in the form on the second (To join … ) section of the appropriate list page [see Email Lists to the right]
An email will be sent to the address you give, requesting confirmation. You must [reply] to the message to confirm the request and then your subscription request will be passed to the membership secretary in order to verify you are a fully paid-up member. You will receive a further email when the process is completed but please accept that this stage is manual and may take a few hours or even a few days.
Leaving (unsubscribing)
In the third (When you have joined …) section of the appropriate list page [see Email Lists to the right], enter your email address into the For everything else box and press the Unsubscribe or edit options button.
On the next page, scroll down and press the Unsubscribe button. You will receive an email to which you must reply to confirm and complete the process.
Important Note: if you are unsubscribing because you are going on holiday, don’t! … no, do go on holiday, but don’t unsubscribe – instead look below …
Going on Holiday
You can suspend delivery of list emails while you are away on holiday (or any other time!)
Look further down these notes at your subscriptions options and set the first one to disable email delivery. When you return from your holiday, enable it again. This way, you don’t have to wait for the membership secretary to check your subscription request when you return from holiday. (And you can still check the list archive from an internet cafe while on holiday!!)
Lost Password
In the third (When you have joined …) section of the appropriate list page [see Email Lists to the right], enter your email address into the For everything else box and press the Unsubscribe or edit options button.
On the next page, scroll down and under Password Reminder press the Remind button. You will receive an email shortly after.
Change of email address
In the third (When you have joined …) section of the appropriate list page [see Email Lists to the right], enter your old email address into the For everything else box and press the Unsubscribe or edit options button.
On the next page, enter your password and press the Login button.
On the first section of your personal list configuration page are boxes to put in your new email address (twice to check against typing errors). When you press the Change My Address and Name button, you will be sent an email to which you must reply to confirm and complete the process.
Record your name (and membership number)
In the third (When you have joined …) section of the appropriate list page [see Email Lists to the right], enter your email address into the For everything else box and press the Unsubscribe or edit options button.
On the next page, enter your password and press the Login button.
Leave the two boxes on the left (those for a change of email address) empty but to their right is a box to put in (or change) your name (and membership number). Press the Change My Address and Name button to complete the process.
This name (and number) field may appear to be cosmetic but remember that the membership secretary is fully entitled to unsubscribe you if this entry does not enable you to be located in the membership database!
Subscription Options
In the third (When you have joined …) section of the appropriate list page [see Email Lists to the right], enter your email address into the For everything else box and press the Unsubscribe or edit options button.
On the next page, enter your password and press the Login button. Scroll down to the Your (listname) Subscription Options section.
- Mail delivery
- You have the option of being on the list but not receiving the emails … this may seem a silly option … it isn’t! You can go on holiday without unsubscribing – you can stop the delivery of emails while you are away and restart them when you get back. If you prefer not to have the emails delivered at all, that’s fine – turn off the email delivery and just dip into the archive occasionally.
- Set Digest Mode
- Instead of having messages delivered individually you may opt to have them delivered in a bundle. This will generally be once per day around noon (UK time) but on a very busy day you may received multiple digests.
- Get MIME or Plain Text Digests?
- If you don’t know what a MIME digest is, leave this option alone! (By default digests are sent as plain text.)
- Receive your own posts to the list?
- If you wish, the list will refrain from sending you a copy of your own posts to the list.
- Receive acknowledgement mail when you send mail to the list?
- Turn this option on if you turn the one above off! (Otherwise, you’ll not know that it went out ok.)
- Get password reminder email for this list?
- Unless you feel confident about your memory,leave this option alone. On the first of each month you will be sent a reminder of your list password.
- Avoid duplicate copies of messages?
- If someone replies to you and to the list, you would expect to receive two copies of the message. The list gives you the option to ask not to receive a second copy from the list. Note that the direct and list copies will almost certainly be treated differently by the filtering system in your email program! Although this option is set on by default, I suggest you turn it off if your email program is set to filter list emails.
If you change any of the above options, don’t forget to press the Submit My Changes button.